I’ve recently learned about this crypto-based opportunity. I still consider myself a newbie and am no expert, by any stretch of the imagination, on the subject. I did my research, though. I’ve watched videos, explored related web sites, joined Telegram channels and more. There are TONS of “investment” opportunities out there, some of which offer ridiculously high returns. It goes without saying – the higher the return, the higher the risk.
It’s become common knowledge in that world that these high-risk offers last 2 or 3 weeks – sometimes 4 – and then end. So, the trick is to get in at the beginning, within the first 48 hours or so of their launch. That can be easy if you know exactly when they’ll be launching. There are plenty of sources that will let you know about these, which I’m not going into right now.
So, I found the Drip Network and watched every video about it that I could find. The guy that developed this program goes by the name “Forex Shark” – obviously an alias. He has a very good reputation in the DeFi community. He has come up with ways to make his programs last by combining multiple opportunities that help keep each other afloat.
The Drip Network has a “Faucet” which offers a 1% daily return on the $Drip Token, which can be compounded daily. Just like all crypto, the token’s dollar value fluctuates. Similar to Forex, you have buyers and sellers. When there are more buyers than sellers, the price goes up, and the same goes in reverse.
The IMPORTANT thing to remember is that you’re not compounding dollars, you’re compounding Drip Tokens! You have to try not to fixate too much on the price of the token. It’s going to go up and it’s going to go down – sometimes it will slide for many days. When I got in, the price of a token was at about USD$124.00 on February 1, 2022. It got up as high as USD$252.00 and then went down to USD$44.00. While writing this, the price is at about USD$54.00, so it seems to be back on an uptrend.
Of course, I watched the price. It’s human nature to get a little concerned, but, I knew there was news coming out soon and the price would eventually start going back up. Either way, I wasn’t fixated on it. No matter the value of the token, I was earning 1% per day on it. The only thing that I care about is what the price will be when I reach the maximum payout. Forex Shark says it’s possible it will reach as high as USD$3,000 to USD$5,000 per token in the future, but I’d take that with a grain of salt. The fact is, even if it stays at the current level, or even goes down a bit, I’ll come out with a crypto wallet full of BUSD (a stable coin that maintains its value with the US Dollar).
I’m compounding daily, religiously. I won’t take anything at all out of it until I double my original investment, at which point I’ll withdraw one day and start right back on compounding every single day. At the current price range, In the first couple of weeks of November, 2024, I’ll be withdrawing approximately $16,000 per day. That’s the power of compounding. Ok, I know. You’re thinking that’s crazy – it’ll never happen. I’m thinking that, too, in all honesty.
I started with 2.161 DRIP, which, on that day, amounted to about USD$270. As of today, I have 3.261 drip. If the price had stayed the same, that would be roughly USD$404.
You can see, my DRIP is increasing, but my value is down. That’s ok. I’ll keep compounding. The price will continue to go either up or down. What’s the worst that could happen, you ask. Well, the absolute worst case scenario is that DRIP crashes completely and I never see anything at all out of it. Let’s assume, though, that DRIP keeps on going and reaches the maximum payout (which, by the way, is based on the number of DRIP, not dollars). The max payout is 100k DRIP. When the balances reaches that amount, there’s no choice but to start withdrawing every day. After taxes (I’ll go over that in another post, along with other rules.) that equals about 233 DRIP per day. So, even if DRIP gets down to USD$1.00 in value, that’s USD$233 per day I’ll be able to withdraw. You can withdraw a max of 100k DRIP as well. I’ll have about 252 days of withdrawals. So, that’s almost USD$59,000. Not bad for an original investment of USD$270.00.
DRIP is certainly a promising investment for me. Would I recommend it? For sure. But, just like any stock, crypto, FOREX, Future, etc. investment, there’s no guarantee you’ll make a profit. So, if you’re going to invest in this or anything else, only use capital that you don’t mind losing.
If you’re already familiar with how to get your money into crypto and move it around, go ahead and check it out. I’d be grateful if you use my link below. If you’re new to all of this, hang on a minute. I’ll be posting another article explaining the rules, taxes, etc, and then explain how to buy DRIP and get into the Faucet.
NOTE: You must use someone’s Buddy Address in order to join. It would be awesome if you used mine. Once we reach 10 referrals, I’ll be Air Dropping!
DRIP FAUCET (Click on “Buddy Detected): https://drip.community/faucet?buddy=0x7070063D1C8819CF7Cca432CBc83bF2F1a9477E7
Or go to https://drip.community/faucet and enter by Buddy Address: 0x7070063D1C8819CF7Cca432CBc83bF2F1a9477E7
Above, I mentioned referrals. No, they are not required in order for you get into DRIP. However, if you plan to refer, you will need to purchase at least 2 BR34P tokens (pronounced BREAP). 2 tokens, as of today, is about USD$482.
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